This is the type of challenge that we love at Designs for Lighting. We created a lighting design which minimised the impact on the environment whilst achieving the lighting objectives for the new car park.
DfL started work on the Dorothy House project in 2016. The brief was to provide a lighting assessment for the planning application. However, as the site is in an area of outstanding natural beauty and parts of the site were dark with ecologically sensitive boundaries, the team realised this would be a challenging project where lighting could potentially cause a problem.
Ryan Carroll worked with the Client to devise a strategy which outlined a sensitive approach to lighting. This needed to consider neighbourhood, landscape and ecological sensitivities. DfL provided an indicative lighting layout which could be put forward for planning.
The Commission for Dark Skies scrutinized the lighting layout closely to ensure the proposals would not be detrimental to the Dark Sky in the area, but ultimately decided this to be an award-winning scheme.
DfL are proud to be part of this team and project which was granted a ‘Good Lighting award’ by the Commission for Dark Skies.
DfL recently invited the Commission for Dark Skies alliance to their Winchester office to discuss the project and talk through the lighting design process.
‘This alliance, including the CAONB and CPRE, has formed up as a positive force for urgent change. They all wished to warmly congratulate Dorothy House and their team for the exemplar leadership in achieving benefits to biodiversity, human health, protection of a starlit sky and cost efficiency.’